12 Week Course

A Do-It-Yourself Course where our expert Ayurvedic Doctor advises you on diet and lifestyle changes to help you resolve your PCOD.

Week 1: Find out how to avoid complicating your condition and how to avoid insulin resistance.

Week 2:  Discover the one most dangerous ingredient in your diet that can aggravate your cysts and tips to steer clear of it.

Week 3: Learn about the exact foods you need to cure and alleviate your PCOS.

Week 4:  Did you know that PCOS can be connected to other health conditions?  Week 4 will tell you which and how to treat it.

Week 5:  Start by treating your symptoms at home with easy changes in your diet.

Week 6:  Have you realized that your mind and body are connected?  Learn how and find out what will help cure your PCOS.

Week 7:  Discover the benefits of natural therapies and how they can support your treatment.

Week 8:  Learn how insulin resistance is bringing you down and take step 1 of dealing with it.

Week 9:  Identify exactly what you can do to track and manage insulin resistance and start the correct regime.

Week10:  Get wise to how important menstruation is to wellness and find out to which menstrual category you belong.

Week11:  Learn crucial menstrual self help techniques to keep your PCOS under control.

Week12:  Finally discover how to regulate your mental health to treat your PCOS.